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What kinds of goods are accepted?The Blue Ridge Food Bank accepts: - non-perishable food items - soap and feminine products - paper products - toothbrushes - baby food, formula, and diapers The Blue Ridge Food Bank does NOT accept glass The Salvation Army accepts the following in serviceable condition: - clothing - blankets - shoes The Salvation Army cannot accept baby clothes with drawstrings or raised lettering
Where and when is the drive?Albemarle HS, Jouett MS, and Sutherland MS will all be accepting donations in designated boxes during the school day now through December 5th, 2019. You may also deliver goods directly to the the Community Drive event which is being held at the Albemarle Orchestras Winter Concert on December 5th from 7pm to 9pm at Albemarle High School. Albemarle High School students will sort and process goods following the concert and will deliver the goods to the proper organization. You can give online using the links on our website from now until December 7th.
Can I volunteer to help the orchestras?Yes! We would love a couple parents to help on the evening of the concert to accept donations. Parents can also help post flyers about our charity drive as soon as possible. Please contact Mrs. Finnegan at Another pressing need is the donation of large BOXES to accept the goods. Concert Orchestra students will be helping with the donations throughout AHS and also will help get the donations to The Blue Ridge Food Bank and The Salvation Army. String Ensemble students will be organizing donations on December 6th during the school day. Middle school students will be helping to assemble the boxes and will help collect the donations in their schools. Anyone can email Mrs. Finnegan if you have other ideas of how you can be involved.
Can I donate money in addition to goods?The Salvation Army is accepting online donations for the Albemarle Orchestras Team until December 7th at: The Blue Ridge Area Food Bank is accepting donations for the Albemarle Orchestras Team until December 7 at: Thank you for supporting our cause!
Can I collect items for the charity drive at my place of employment or church?Of course! Just set up a box and bring it to us by December 5. We'll take care of the rest and thank you for supporting our cause. Email Mrs. Finnegan at if you want a special flyer for your box.
I want to find out more about Brian Balmages and his music.Visit his website at
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